Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Christmas came and went too fast this year,
and now it's time to reverse the effects of all of the indulging 
that has taken place since well before Thanksgiving. 

Confession: I have never made a new year's resolution.

I'm about to change that. 
I'm not going to go crazy and be over zealous, 
but I am at a place in my life where I feel capable of so many things, 
good at some of those things, and unafraid of the risk in trying. 
I have slowly but surely become a more balanced and healthy person
and it is a priority of mine to continue to live my life this way. 

To push myself beyond where I am now, I am going to focus on two things in 2013:


It seems simple, and for me it will be.
To focus on this and to measure my progress, I will write in my journal daily (I already do this);
how I'm feeling about my diet and whether I'm giving myself enough time to just be. 

FOOD, the specifics.
I'm going to cut sugar out completely. 
I've done this before and I've never felt better than I did then.
Sugar is a serious weakness of mine, and I need to conquer it for good.
I will start with a detox, see how I feel and go from there.

TIME, the specifics.
I want to focus on balancing my days;
So, less time working, cleaning, being on the computer/phone;
more rest, reading, exercise, and alone time. 
Like many mamas, I get consumed and spend all of my free time with Ramona
(and I am so grateful that I can!), but between graduate school, being mama, the house, my husband
(and starting mid-January: tutoring job AND part time morning job!!), 
I get lost, overwhelmed, and feel like so many things aren't getting enough attention.
Balance. Planning. Me time. 
It's one of the hardest things for me to figure out, 
but I'm going to try.

I hope that this year, you are able to spend more time with the people who bring your life joy and laughter, who make you feel whole and good, and less time with those who make you anxious or sad or not yourself.
Let's spend more time cooking, playing, doing yoga, and just being. 

Whatever your goals are for this new year, I wish you all a happy one! 


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