Friday, February 7, 2014


Student teaching is said to be one of the most challenging, yet rewarding periods of growth that every educator goes through.
You're under constant scrutiny, from your mentors and yourself,
your workload is arguably too much to manage,
and if you're like me or anyone else I know, 
your expectations are to be the best teacher right away.

This video brings me so much comfort, and I love that it can be applied to any creative endeavor.
Just when I feel like curling up into a ball and screaming that I just can't anymore, 
I know that anyone who has ever had expectations and dreams for themselves,
and who has struggled through that period where the reality of your accomplishments doesn't match your taste, 
those people do eventually get there.
They get there and they keep on going, because that taste they began with never fades.
It's in those exhausting hours, months, and years of falling short of where you think you should be 
that we grow, refining both our expectations of ourselves and of our craft.



  1. Thanks for sharing that Amanda! It's good to be reminded not to give up.

  2. Hi Amanda! I've been reading your blog and following your instagram for a bit now and I love your little updates! I know this is sort of random but I'm moving from New York City to Portland for two months this summer (I'm a preschool teacher and will be studying at a training center in SE Portland from June-August) so I'm looking for a summer sublet situation. I was wondering if you might be able to let me know if you hear of anyone with an extra room or apartment they would be willing to sublet for two months. I will pay rent, of course. Sorry if this is so so so random! My email address is if you know of anything or have any questions about me/for me!

    1. Hi Claudia! I do not know of anyone/anything at the moment, but I will keep this in mind! You are going to love Portland, I mean, who doesn't? ;)
