Monday, December 23, 2013


you can purchase this cute little calendar HERE  / the process / we didn't have a tree topper, so we fixed that problem

Ramona and I have been making messes, baking everything from lemon shortbread cookies 
to gingerbread houses to straight up gingerbread with a drizzle of icing.
We made little gifts for friends, and today we went around leaving them on doorsteps.
Ramona said we were being Santa's elves, so we went elfing.
Normally I make my great granny's almond roca to give as gifts, 
but I wanted to try something different this year and I was so happy with the way my calendars turned out!

We've listened to the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack more than I can stand,
baked every holiday recipe I can think of, made gifts, drove to see the lights, drank hot cocoa, and we will each open our pajamas the night before Christmas.
We do these things because they are tradition and they add magic to our lives.
Every time I pull out the ornaments memories of my childhood flood 
and I remember all of the holidays I enjoyed growing up.
I want nothing more for Ramona to feel the warmth and magic of Christmas like I remember it.

Before bed tonight, she said to me, 
"Santa lives at the North Pole, right?"
I said, "he sure does."
Then, "Ok, I think I'm going to dream about the North Pole tonight. 
Goodnight mama."
"Goodnight, sweet girl."

I think I'm on the right track.

Happy Holidays, and a happy happy 2014!



  1. happy holidays!!!
    did you find that calendar on the net?

    1. Happy holidays to you, too! Yes, I purchased it at and if you hover over "printable calendar" under my photos you can click the link. xo
